#45 Postcard Trivia
Many young men joining the US Navy during World War II, arrived at the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego to report to the Navy Repair Base. That’s exactly what happened to the sender of this postcard. In fact, Benard Hartness, a young man from Texas, wrote a note to his sister on the back of this card on July 20, 1943, telling her “This is the place where I landed in Diego.” He also commented, “I went to town yesterday and to the ocean.” Benard’s relatives recall that he joined the Navy in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Fortunately, he made it home safely after sending several more postcards (1943-1944). I love the unique view of the depot on this postcard with four different modes of transportation - train, bus, car, and pedestrians. And the fabulous palm trees and red-tiled roofs continue to be wonderful features of the depot today! See modern photos of the depot below.
Trivia Question:
How much did it cost Benard to send this postcard to his sister in Ft. Worth, Texas, from the naval base in San Diego?
A. three cents B. one cent C. no cost - free postage
See answer below.
Answer to Trivia Question:
C. No cost to Benard. The US Navy provided the postage. On the back of the card, the postmark contains the date and words U. S. Navy. Benard wrote the word “Free” over the box where the postage stamp is placed. See photo below.
Postcard sent by Benard Hartness from San Diego Naval Base, 1943. From the collection of J Garner.
Source Links:
Naval History and Heritage Command website. Photo of 1946 Naval Base San Diego.
To see a large collection of postcards depicting the history of the naval base in San Diego, go to:
Special thanks to Bettye Penny for sharing postcards from her family’s history with me!